The Let's Play Archive

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

by 1234567890num

Part 99: Roxas

Today we're going to look at the weapons. The first character we're going to look at is of course going to be Roxas.

None: Kingdom Key

This one's just a normal Kingdom Key that exists just to be replaced, either with other Keyblades or with its stronger version.

Skill Gear: Missing Ache
Technical Gear: Ominous Blight
Duel Gear: Abaddon Plasma
(Transforms your weapon and allows you to string together faster, longer ground combos.)

Ominous Blight and Abaddon Plasma looks nice. Missing Ache's color is ugly, though.

Loaded Gear: Pain of Solitude
Chrono Gear: Sign of Innocence
Phantom Gear: Crown of Guilt
(Transforms your weapon and boosts your Magic to give it more power.)

The names and colors of these weapons are very edgy. Their magic boost is undeniably nice, though.

Lift Gear: Abyssal Tide
Nimble Gear: Leviathan
(Transforms your weapon into one that performs very well in midair.)

I'm not sure how the water-themed naming have to do with it having better aerial combo.

Wild Gear: True Light's Flight
Ominous Gear: Rejection of Fate
(Transforms your weapon, enabling your attacks to reach a wide area and deal heavy damage.)

This set is even edgier than the second set.

Valor Gear: Midnight Roar
Fearless Gear: Glimpse of Darkness
Prestige Gear: Total Eclipse
(Transforms your weapon into one with higher Strength.)

There's so much gears here that we've never used. Not to mention the ones from the other characters.

Crisis Gear: Silent Dirge
Omega Gear: Lunar Eclipse
(Transforms your weapon and provides versatility by boosting both Strength and Magic.)

Omega Gear has a very awkward shape. Good thing I'm not using it it or its + version anymore

Hazard Gear: Darker Than Dark
(Transforms your weapon into one that offers high Magic and combo reach.)

Is "darker than dark" a better or worse phrase than "darkness within darkness"?

Rage Gear: Astral Blast
(Transforms your weapon and allows you to string together longer ground and aerial combos.)

We briefly used this one during a few challenges. There's not much to say botu this one.

Champion Gear: Maverick Flare
Ultimate Gear: Twilight Blaze
(Transforms your weapon into one that offers high Strength and ground combo speed.)

Ultimate Gear isn't actually the ultimate weapon. It doesn't boost Magic at all. Zero Gear is better in pretty much every way.

Pandora's Gear: Omega Weapon
(Transforms your weapon into one more formidable, with exceptional capabilities.)

Omega Weapon? That's kinda breaking from the naming theme, don't you think?

Also, Pandora's Gear's description is the same for all members, so I won't bother showing it for the rest.

Zero Gear (0 Ability Units): Kingdom Key+
Zero Gear (1 Ability Unit): Oathkeeper
Zero Gear (2 Ability Units): Two Become One
Zero Gear (3 Ability Units): Oathkeeper & Oblivion
(A Keyblade radiant with light & A Keyblade black as darkness.)

Like I said, Zero Gear has multiple weapons depending on the amount of Ability Units installed. That only applies for Roxas, though. And the dual-wielding is only available in Mission Mode.

That description is only for Oathkeeper and Oblivion, since the description for the other weapons aren't noteworthy and the description for Zero Gear is the same for everyone. For the record, it's "Transform your weapon into a more powerful one that draws forth its wielder's true worth."

We used Oathkeeper during the fight with Riku, but there's no way for Roxas to use just Oblivion

Casual Gear: Umbrella
Mystery Gear: Aubade

The description for Casual Gear is "Transforms your weapon into something awfully familiar..." and the description for Mystery Gear is "Transforms your weapon into one that draws forth its wielder's personality." This applies to every member, so I won't show the rest either.

Casual Gear gives us joke weapons for most characters. Mystery Gear gives joke weapons only for a few characters. Aubade is apparently a poem/piece of music appropriate to the dawn or dusk, at least according to Google. It fits the description, at least.

Now that we're done with Roxas' Keyblades, we'll take a look at his Limits. We've seen Roxas' normal Limit plenty of times. Just press A to make him attack.

We've also seen Roxas' dual-wielding Limit. There's actually a shield around Roxas that harms enemies who touch it during his Final Limit.

We can't move during the Limit, but we can put it on hold by pressing B and continue by pressing A. The Limit gauge still goes on, though, so it's not that useful. In fact, Roxas' normal Limit is better in pretty much every way.

Also, remember the victory pose after every round in the Games?

As it turns out, everyone has a special pose for it. Dual-wielding Roxas' looks like one of his attacks in KH2.

I never showed it before, but there's also this screen every time we withdraw in Mission Mode.

This also changed with every character, but apparently normal and dual-wielding Roxas has the same pose.